Personal details
Name: Saeed Omer
Family Name: Ibrahim
Date and Place of Birth: 20th Jan. 1954
Marital Statues: Married, Three children
Date of Employment: 20/1/1983
First Employment in College of Education, Physics Dept., Salahaddin Univ.
Home Address: Erbil, Italian City, House No. 1117, Erbil – Iraq
Telephone No. Erbil 00964 (0) 66 2260246
Mobil; 00964 (0)750 46718 43
2000 Awarded Ph.D. In Theoretical physics, University of Al-Mustansiryia, Iraq 18/10/2000.
1980 Complete M.Sc. In Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics, College of Science, Sulaimanyah University, Iraq 1980.
1977 Complete B.Sc. Physics, Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Sulaimanyah, Iraq, 26/6/1977.