
My name is Shatha Dawood , I Was born in Baghdad, I graduated from Al - Mustansiriyah University / Science College / Chemistry Department in 1991, I got master degree in synthesis of organic chemistry in 1995 from the same university and department .

 I became one of the academic staff in Chemistry department in 1996 as an Ass. Lec. , I moved to Salahaddin Universtiy /Chemistry Department in 2006. I changed scientific title from assistant  lecturer to lecturer in 2010 by  publishing three research.

I taught Practical General Chemistry 1st stage, Practical Organic Chemistry 2nd stage ,Practical Industrial Chemistry ,Practical Identification Organic Chemistry4th stage and Heterocyclic Chemistry 4th stage.-        

I am a member in Kurdistan chemistry syndicate  since 2006 , a member in Kurdistan University and Institute Teachers syndicate since 2010, and a member in Hadyab Society for Competencies since 2013



   I am one of academic staff  in Biology Department. 

   Now member in herbarium committee in the same department, also a member in Kurdistan Union of Teacher and Kurdistan Biology Syndicate