
Personal Information:

Full Name: Sherko M. Abdul-Rahman 

Academic Title: Lecturer (Ph.D. student)

Academic Email:

Mobile: 009647504456357 -  009647704476357


  • Graduated from Nursing Preparatory School-Erbil in 1991-1994.
  • Obtained Diploma from Nursing Dept., Medical Technical Institute-Erbil in 1994-1996.
  • Obtained B.Sc. in Biology/Microbiology from college Science, Salahaddin University-Erbil in 1996-2001.
  • Obtained Master in Management Business Administration (MBA)/Business Management University (BMU)/ Lebanon-French University in 2007-2010.
  • Obtained M.Sc. in Biology/Microbiology from college Education/Salahaddin University-Erbil in 2017-2019.
  • Ph.D. student in Biology/ Microbiology/Mycology from College Education/ Salahaddin University-Erbil from 2023 till now.

Thesis Title:

Neonatal sepsis: Bacteriological profile, molecular detection and antimicrobial susceptibility test among pre-term paediatrics in Erbil city, Iraq (Zanco J. Med. Sci., Vol. 24, No. (2), August, 2020).


  • Biology Department, College of Education/ Shaqlawa, Salahaddin University, worked as a Head of Biology Department from 07-01-2021 to 26-12-2023

Qualifications and Teaching experience:

  • Worked as a teacher in college of nursing from 2004-2016 during these periods of time, he tried to work in collaboration with university and health sectors to improve nurse’s role and participated in many education trainings courses. Also, he worked to introduce graduated nurses from the college of nursing as new models of career in Erbil city’s hospitals.
  • 2006 until 2010, Head of Planning & Follow up Department in College of Nursing.
  • 2004-2016 experience in Journalism field, writing many articles in newspapers and websites.
  • Excellent computer skills in the all Windows and Microsoft Office versions.
  • More than 20 years’ experience in managing of Companies administration.
  • Has been assigned as laboratory demonstrator in the Laboratory department between 2004-2016 in Nursing College, Hawler Medical University. This included practical Biology (such as Zoology, and Pathogenic Bacteria, Physiology and Biochemistry) in the laboratories.
  • Started to study M.Sc./Microbiology in 2019, at department of Biology/ College of Education/Shaqlawa, Salahaddin University- Erbil. Then, he started to work in the same department, as a lecturer.
  • ·Member of the examination committee for College of Nursing from 2010-2016 except 2012, and at College of Education/Shaqlawa, from 2019 - 2022
  • Worked as Registrar of college of Education /shaqllawa from 01-12-2020 to 07-01-2021.
  • · Worked as ‌Head of Biology Department, college of Education /shaqllawa from 07-01-2021 to 26-12-2023
  • Has sex published researches from International Journals around Microbiology specialist as following:

Research and publications:

1. Neonatal sepsis: Bacteriological profile, molecular detection and antimicrobial susceptibility test among pre-term paediatrics in Erbil city, Iraq (Zanco J. Med. Sci., Vol. 24, No. (2), August, 2020).

2. Molecular detection of β-lactamase genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolated from different clinical sources. (Kamal Ismael Bakr et l. / β-lactamase genes in Gram negative bacteria from clinical specimens, 2021, 67(4): 1-9).


3.Impact of Alcoholic and Aqueous Extracts of Annona Muricata on the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli Isolates.(SVU- International Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 5(4): 103-113, 2022).

4. Serological Diagnosis and Epidemiological impact of Helicobacter pylori infection on human health in Diyala Governorate, Iraq. (Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 27 (3) 2022).

5.Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection among General People and Hemophilia Patients in Erbil City, Iraq during 2020-2021.(SVU- International Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 5(4): 103-113, 2022).

6. Application of Salmonella phages to reduce in-vitro and in-vivo colonization of Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhi. (Zanco J Med Sci, Vol. 28, No. (3), December 2024).

Conferences and courses attended

  • June, 2000, Ishik Language Center, participant in WOW course (Window of the World).
  • June 2005, Participant in First Nursing conference of Salahaddin University- Erbil.
  • Dec. 2006, participant in E-Learning Courses in college of Nursing broadcasted from Greece supported by KLIMAKA NGO.
  • July, 2007 participant in Internet & Computer Courses in Technical Institute by KPA Center.
  • 2016-2019, completed four levels in face2face English language learning (Starter, Elementary, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate) in CIS institute center.
  • Participated in Workshop titled (The Role of Technology in Higher Education Institusions during Coronavirus Pandemic), on 24 June, 2021 in Garmian University. 
  • Participated in scientific webinar entitled (Introduction to Serverless), on 13/03/2022 in Baghdad University.
  • Participated in scientific webinar entitled (How to scientific journal to publish your scientific product and why is it important, in Scholars and Academics Platform and IFAD, on 7 April, 2022
  • Participated in scientific webinar entitled (Future studies in scientific research), in Scholars and Academics Platform and IFAD, on 15 April, 2022
  • Participated in “The First International Conference on Administrative and Legal Sciences and Prospects for Renewal and Innovation” organized by the Colleges of (Administrative and Financial Sciences and Law) at Knowledge University on (7-8/5/2022).
  • Participated in Fourth Conference on Student Research Projects and Academic Posters Salahaddin University-Erbil, on 16th May,2022.
  • Participated in Third Conference on Student Research Projects and Idea Grants Salahaddin University-Erbil, on 2nd February,2023.
  • Attended the scientific lecture entitled: Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Environment: Egypt as a Model Within the activities of the Scientific Research Week - building a culture of scientific research and publishing with an applied perspective, organized by IFAD platform, Bani Walid University, and Komar University of Science and Technology Held (remotely), on 3rd February, 2023.
  • Attended the scientific lecture entitled: Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Environment: Egypt as a Model in The IFAD platform licensed with No. (4651291105) and approved by the government in the Republic of Turkey, On February 3, 2023.
  • Participated in scientific webinar entitled: Determinants the use of ChatGPT artificial intelligence in scientific research and academic and educational work, in IFAD - Scholars and Academics, On 8 February.
  • Participated in scientific webinar entitled: Scientific Explanations of Earthquakes, on 9 February, 2023, in IFAD - Scholars and Academics Platform.
  • Attended the (Laboratory Safety, Design and Management) Symposium Erbil, Iraq, 16th January,2025,©2025

Funding and academic awards

  • Completed the Course of pedagogical training for teacher professional development (30 ECTS) for the period of six months from 01.12.2019 - 01.06.2020 at the Salahaddin University – Erbil, Pedagogy Center.
  • Completed an English Language proficiency course with advanced level from July 11,2023 to August 24, 2023 as a requirement for postgraduate studies and academic title at the Salahaddin University – Erbil, Language and Translation Center.
  • Quality Assurance Certificate Final Result of Evaluating Academic Staff in Quality Assurance Process (Academic Year 2019-2020).
  • Quality Assurance Certificate Final Result of Evaluating Academic Staff in Quality Assurance Process (Academic Year 2020-2021).
  • Quality Assurance Certificate Final Result of Evaluating Academic Staff in Quality Assurance Process (Academic Year 2021-2022).
  • Quality Assurance Certificate Final Result of Evaluating Academic Staff in Quality Assurance Process (Academic Year 2022-2023).
  • Quality Assurance Certificate Final Result of Evaluating Academic Staff in Quality Assurance Process (Academic Year 2023-2024).

Professional memberships:

  1. Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry/Iraq
  2. Importers & Exporters Union Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
  3. Kurdistan Biology Syndicate
  4. Kurdistan Teachers Union

Professional Social Network Accounts:

  2. user=jq6RBs4AAAAJ&hl=en