1-Personal Information
Full Name: Shireen Sadallah Rashidشيرين سعداللة رشيد
Date of Birth: 24 -6-1975 Erbil, Iraq
Nationality: Kurd
Current Address: Zanko ,Erbil ,Iraq
-University: Salahaddin
-College: Education
-Department: English
-Academic Qualifications:
{B.A. English, Baghdad UN.,Iraq,2000}
{M.A.Victorian Novel, Baghdad UN.,Iraq,2005}
{Ph.D.Modern Novel,Koya UN.,Iraq,2009}
3-Academic Rank:
{Assistant Lecturer, 2005}
{Lecturer, 2009}
{Assistant Professor, 2013}
-General Major: English Literature
-Specific major: Modern English Novel
-No. of Years served at University: 12 year
4-Course taught:
1- Writing Research Paper (3rd stage) College of Languages Koya University.
2- Modern Novel (4th stage) College of Languages –Koya University.
3- Novel of 18th Century (3rd stage) College of Languages –Koya University.
4- Novel of 19th Century (3rd stage) College of Languages- Koya University.
5- Modern Drama(4th stage) College of Education- Salahaddin University.
6- Literary Criticism (4th stage) College of Education-Salahaddin University.
7- Modern Novel (4th stage) College of Education- Salahaddin University.
8- Novels of 18th and 19th Century (3rd stage)- College of Education –Salahaddin University.
9- General English (1st stage) Mathematic Department-College of Education-Salahaddin University.
5-Published Researches
1- Jonathan Swift :Style and Significance of his Gulliver's Travels
2- The Double in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
3- Voyage Fiction: A Thematic Study of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe
4- The Dehumanizing Effects of Slavery on the African-American Slave in Beloved
5- The Significance of John Singer as a grotesque character in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Parody’ and ‘Play within a play’ in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night-6
7-Investigation of Kurdish Students’ Perceptions of Using Literature as Main Material in the EFL Speaking Course
The Symbolic Significance of the ‘Ring- Pot in Merchant of venice-8