
- B.Sc. In Statistics, June 1995, Statistics Department, College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul /Iraq (one of the top 3 students).

- M.Sc.  in Statistics, March 28/3/1998, Statistics Department, College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul/Iraq (Got the second rank in the MSc.).

- PhD In Statistics, 4/8/2009, Department of Statistics, College of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad /Iraq (Got the second rank in the PhD)


-          Assistant lecturer in 1998: College of Administration and Economic/Statistics department

-          Lecturer in 2004: College of Administration and Economic/Statistics department

-          Assistant Prof. in 2010: College of Administration and Economic/Statistics department

-          Prof. in 2018: College of Administration and Economic/Statistics department

Teaching experience:

●       Numerical Analysis

●       Sampling theory

●       Applied Statistics

●       Principles of Statistics

●       Multivariate Analysis

●       Advanced Statistics

●       Decision theory

●       MATLAB Language

●       Biostatistics

●       Hypotheses Test

●       Linear Model