
1. Name, date and place of birth: My name is Tahsein Abdulaziz     Mohammadamein Mizori. I was borne in 1957 in a beautiful  village called “Shive” in Mizori Bala area of Kurdistan Region. 

 2.Occupation and Education: Since year 2012 I am lecturer and researcher at College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences/ Salahaddin University in Erbil city. I went to primary school in Mosul and Zacho cities. My secondary and high school was in Baghdad city. I graduated from the Agriculture University in Alexanderia city in Egypt in 1981 with a bachelor's degree in Plant Protection. I got my MSc degree in 1984 and PhD degree in 1988 in Plant Protection at Agriculture University in Poznan city of Poland. In 1988 I settled down in Sweden. After learning the Swedish language, I worked at two Universities, Agriculture University in Uppsala city and Gothenborg University in Gothenborg city. I also worked in two research companies. As plant Pathologist I worked in all these places with alternative to chemical methods such as using microorganisms specially bacteria to control the most important pathogens causing diseases and reducing yields in crop productions.

3. Mission: Under my PhD studies I understood the hazardous caused by thousand  tons of chemicals used every year in agriculture to control diseases, weeds and reduce their effect on yields. Therefore, my passion and mission become how to contribute to society by reducing the use of these dangerous chemicals and to find alternative more friendly to environment methods that could control diseases, weeds and contributes to healthier and more foods. This become my believe, what ’s gets me up in the morning and the driving force behind what I do.