
      I was born in the Erbil city from Kurdistan Region of Iraq in 1964. I received my bachelor’s degree in Physics in 1986 and i was one of the ten students in the final stage of my undergraduate studies in Physics Department/ University of Salahaddin. I obtained MA and PH.D from Baghdad University for the period of 1996-2002 with a degree of excellence. Was assigned to many administrative positions such as Head of Physics department of the Faculty of Education/ Shaqlawa and director of Continuous Education at the presidency of Salahaddin University/Erbil. Currently a member of the teaching stuff in the physics department and chairman of the teaching applications committee. I have a teaching activity in undergraduates and postgraduate studies at Lebnese–French University[ LFU] , Soran University and Basical Education College in Erbil. I participated in many scientific and social activities such as establishment of the syndicate of physicists in Kurdistan/Iraq and became a member of the supreme council of the syndicate till now.   My goal in life is to serve the community and achieve development and prosperity in all areas of life.