Zana Rafiq Majeed
I received PhD in Biology/Neurobiology at the University of Kentucky, USA. I have mentored many undergraduate students and also have involved in developing many laboratory exercises for both undergraduate and high school students in the USA. I have published 14 papers in various prestigious journals. In addition, I participated in different professional meetings (such as the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting) in the USA. Now I am working as a lecturer at Salahaddin University-Erbil.
PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Society for Neuroscience (2011-2016), American Physiological Society (2014-2016), Kentucky Academy of Science (2012-2013). TEACHING EXPERIENCES: In the past, I taught wet-lab courses of Comparative Anatomy, Genetics, Introductory Biology, Principles of Experimental Animal Physiology. Also, I taught graduate level Research Methods course, freshmen English Language Course, undergraduate Cell Biology course (2018-2019) and undergraduate Neuroscience course (2018-2019).
Member of Erasmus+ ( OPATEL) project coordinated by Leipzig University of Applied Sciences.