Zhala is a self-motivated and creative teacher with a focus on students learning and how to use English language in an effective way. Dedicated most of her time to teach English language by using the latest technology. Using different techniques for each skill of language. She was born on the 18 th of November 1987 in Erbil. In 2010, she got her B.A in English Language and Literature as the first of her department. Employed after graduation at Salahaddin University College of Languages, she worked as an assistant teacher, a translator and an interpreter using Kurdish- English and Turkish languages. As a part-time job she taught English in private schools and English language summer courses. In 2016, She got her M.A in Salahaddin Universtity/Collge of Languages. Her thesis is about a recent topic which is ‘A Cognitive Grammatical Study of Spatial Prepositions in English’.