

Personal information

Name and Surname: Abdullah Saleh Hussein Hussein


Ph.D. in 2024 in physical Chemistry from Bingol University, Bingol 12000, Turkey - College of Science -Department of Chemistry

MSc. in 2009 in physical Chemistry from University of Mosul- College of Education -Department of Chemistry

BSc  in chemistry from2003 in  Salahaddin University-Erbil - College of Education-Department of Chemistry 

Work experience


2003- Ongoing: Salahaddin University-Erbil- College of Education -Department of Chemistry

Publications produced

Hussein, A.S., Lafzi, F., Bayindir, S.,  Kilic, H., and Toprak, M.   (2023‏). A Novle Rhodamine-Phenolphthalein Architecture for Selective Mercury Ion Detection in Media. Chem Plus Chem,89,202300649

Hussein, A.S., Lafzi, F., Bayindir, S., and Toprak,M. (2023‏). The selective turn-on recognition of fluoride ions using 5-aryl-rhodanines: Colorimetric & fluorescent detection. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 438,  114574.

Hussein, A.S., Lafzi, F., Kilic, H., and Bayindir, S. (2023‏). Synthesis of Bis-tetraphenylethene as a Novel Turn-On Selective Zinc Sensor. ACS Omega, 8, 2543225440.

Bayindir, S., Hussien, A. S., Lafzi, F., and Toprak, M. (2023‏ ). he switchable fluorescent detection of mercury, copper, and iodine in real water samples using bola-amphiphilic-tetraphenylethene. Journal of Molecular Liquids,382, 121939.

Lafzi, F., Hussein, A.S., H, Kilic, H., and Bayindir, S. (2023‏). The thioacetal-modified phenothiazine as a novel colorimetric and fluorescent chemosensor for mercury in aqueous media. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 444, 114958.

Bayindir, S., and  Hussein, A.S.(2024). Off-On–Off Cascade Recognition of Cyanide, Mercury, and Aluminum Using N /5-Monosubstituted Rhodanines.ACS Omega,9,17602-17615


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