Date of birth: 1958 Akre
Academic attainments:
1- B.Sc in Geology-University of Mosul-1982
2-M.Sc. in Petrology and geochemistry -University of Baghdad-1991
3- Ph.D in Petrology and Mineralogy - Baghdad university-2001
General specialization: Petrology and Mineralogy
Specific specialization: Igneous &metamorphic Petrology and their industrial uses
Academic titles attained:
1- Ass.Lecturer 1992
2- Lecturer 2001
3- 2009
Training Courses and Conferences:
2004: 6th International Geochemistry Conference, Alexandria University, Egypt.
2006: 7th International Geochemistry Conference, Alexandria University, Egypt.
2008: Training (Geology) at Bangor University - UK within the framework of the "Training of Trainers in Teacher Education for Sustained Quality Education
Supervising 8M.Sc. and 4 Ph. D students