
My name is Alan Anwar Hasan  I was born in Erbil -Iraq  . I have got a high diploma in English Language in teaching training institute since 1993. And bachelor of art in English language at Salahaddin University 2005. Moreover, I got AM in English  language and linguistics 2010. Am teaching in college of Education . English Department. since 2010 up to now.

I have taught the following courses:

Grammar  - second year.

Essay witting - second year 

English grammar - first year.

scientific debates - first year.

Communication - first year.

Translation - second year . Arabic department 

Management- psychology department

General English . first year  mathematics departmental.

phonetics - first year . 

Phonology - second year. 

English for university students- special education department

English for university students- psychology and educational counseling.

English for specific purposes .  psychology and educational counseling.

History of English language ,fourth year. department  of English