
Full name: Dara Musheer Ibrahim

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone No. Mobile:  (07504848780)

job address: Salahaddin University – College of  Education – Department of Special Education-  Erbil governorate - Kurdistan region –  Northern Iraq

Job title: lecturer

Job position: Staff Member in the Department of Special Education

Main job duties:

1-      Giving lectures.

2-      Supervising researches of undergraduate students.

3-      Evaluation of teaching practices of undergraduate students.

Education Record:

1-      Post Doctoral Program Certificate from University of Connecticut, Connecticut, Storrs , U.S.A, 2012 - 2013.

2-      Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (Personality) from Salahaddin University, College of Education, Erbil,  Northern Iraq,               2005 – 2008.

3-      M.Sc. degree in Educational Psychology, Salahaddin University, College of Education , Erbil, Northern Iraq, 1995 – 2000.

4-      B.A. in Psychology from AL – Mustansiriya University, College of Arts, Baghdad, Iraq, 1986-1995.


1-      Giving lectures for graduates in pre- teaching level.

2-      Giving lectures for those who are in administrative positions in the schools.

3-      Conducting research with other colleagues financed by (UNESCO) about Standardization of Raven's Intelligence Test.

4-      Workshop in (Aman-Jordan) related to Educational Packages.

5-      Participation in the third international congress on Parental Acceptance - Rejection held in Padua University in Italy.

6-      worked as Member of the Curriculum Development Council of Salahaddin University.

7-      Worked as Translator/Interpreter in:

  • The safe children fund (SCF), UK based Ngo, Erbil governorate office.
  • International Republic Institute (IRI), USA based, Erbil governorate office).

8-     Knowledge of computer and internet skills.