Dilshad S. Ismael is Lecturer of Medical physics in the Department of Physics. He gained a B.Sc. degree in Physics from Salahaddin University-Erbil in 2001, and M.Sc. degree in Plasma Physics from Mosul University in 2005. He started an academic carrier in 2001 when he joined the work at Department of Physics/college of Science at Salahaddin University-Erbil as a lab demonstrator. He stayed with the job for 3 years. In 2005, after he obtained MSc degree, he got a position as an assistant lecturer , in 2015 he got a position as a lecturer and in 2023 he got a position as a Assistant Professor. - Since 2001 he started his contribution in teaching undergraduate. He completed his PhD (Medical physics ) at Mosul University in 2015. He is currently teaching in Salahaddin University in Iraq.