
My name is Dilzar Hamad Mawlud was born 1985. My Bachelor degree in Agricultural Sciences – Plant Protection Department, University of Salahaddin / Erbil - Iraq, 2005– 2008. I worked in the college of agriculture as a lab assistant at (2009 - 2011) and I have taught many modules such as --- Insect Physiology, Insect Structure, Insect Taxonomy, Principle of Plant Protection, Field crop Insects, Orchard Insects, and Stored Product Pests.  

My Master in Plant Protection (Entomology), graduated in the University of Salahaddin / Erbil, 2011 - 2015. Thesis title: (Bio-Ecological study of some insects on solanaceae vegetable in Grdarsha Research station in Erbil - Kurdistan region) Supervised by: Assistant Professor Dr. Adil Hassan Amin.