Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Personal information:
Name: faris ali mustafa
Gender: male
Birthday: 1th of jun/ 1978.
Current address: Iraq, Kurdistan Region, Erbil, New Hawler.
Academic Qualifications:
1. International Islamic University Malaysia of : College of Social Sciences and International Studies / kullmpur , Malaysia
Master's Degreein Social Sciences and International Studies: Middle East and Islamic Studies, 2008
The University of International Islamic University Malaysia where I studied MA is one of the top ten malaysia universities. During my MA study in International Islamic University Malaysia, I deeply examined some of the most important subjects that connected with the Social Sciences and international Studies particularly the Middle East and Islamic Studies. After studying an in Master's course I was able to get excellent grade in Master's which was A very good 98 grade at that time.
2. INTO University of International Islamic University Malaysia /, kullmpur, Malaysia
A Certificate in Academic English, 2008.
It was an intensive Pre- sessional Training English Course for the academic purposes. The course was designed to prepare students to meet the MA or PHD English language requirements.
3. LSI - Language Specialists International College/ Portsmouth,/, kullmpur, Malaysia
A Certificate in General English and IELTS Examination, 2008
It was a six months course in general English and IELTS Examination. The course was designed to improve the student's English language skills including listening, reading, writing and speaking. After studying an intensive course I was able to get 6.0 in IELTS
which was a good grade at that time.
2. Malaya University Malaysia of : College of Islamic Studies. Department of shareha and law / kullmpur, Malaysia
P H D 's Degree in : shareha and law, 2015
The University of International Malaya University Malaysia where I studied MA is one of the top ten malaysia universities is number one in Malaysia and number 160 in word . During my MA study in International Malaya University Malaysia, I deeply examined some of the most important subjects that connected with the college of academic Islam . Department of shareha and law. After studying an in P H D course I was able to get excellent grade in P H D which was A very good grade at that time.
1. University of Salahaddin: College of Islamic Sciences / Erbil, Iraq
A Bachelor's Degree in Islamic studies: 2005
The bachelor degree program in the Department of the Islamic studies is mainly focusing in the followings: Arabic language, English language, Research Methodology, Kurdish Studies, The Principles of Islamic Legislation, Islamic law, Comparative Islamic Legislation, Islamic thought, History, ID study, Islamic Sects, Islamic Philosophy, Comparative religions, and Religious tolerance.
In July 2005 I succeeded to get BA degree with an GOOD grade: It was the highest grade over all the University Departments. Thus, I was able to get the first rank among not only the students of the Islamic Sciences College but among all the Salahaddin University students.
2. Ministry of Higher Education: Baghdad/Iraq: A certificate of appreciation in 2008
Due to the great success during my BA study and getting the first rank among all the Salahaddin University students, I was given a certificate of appreciation by the minister of the Ministry of Higher Education in Baghdad. The Certificate is valuing my hard work during four years of BA study and appreciating my position as the first top student among all the university students.
3. Slahaddin University/ Erbil: A certificate in Teaching Methods in 2010
It is a certificate in teaching methodology. It was a training course designed to intern university teachers and lecturers. At the end of the course I succeeded to get %87 which was the top ten grade among all the course participants.
Language skills:
Kurdish: Native
Arabic: Excellent in speaking, writing, reading and listening
English: Excellent in speaking, writing, reading and listening
Computer skills:
Windows, Microsoft Word
Power Point, Microsoft Excel
Very good knowledge in using internet
Training Courses:
- From 4/9/ 2010 until 15/10/2010 successfully completed Teaching Method course held by Salahaddin University/ Continuing Education/ Erbil.
Most important work experience:
1. A University Lecturer and Deputy Head
Since April 2006 I have been working at the University of Salahaddin. Im the one of the University of Salahaddin employess the College of Islamic Sciences 2006 working as a lecturer. at the In April 11th, 2006, I started the job as a researcher in the Quality Assurance Unit. The Unit of the Quality Assurance looks after the quality of education and administration system at the university. After For years of interruption because of my MA study, I restarted the job in jun 2010 as a lecturer at the University of Salahaddin/ Erbil. I also I complete my P H D in Malaysia 2015. I also worked again at the faculty of Islamic Studies for more than one year as a Deputy Head which is the second most important administrative position in the faculty. My main responsibility as a deputy Head was to assist the head of the faculty with the administrative affairs. During the last few years due to the success of my work at the university, I received many appreciation letters from the chancellor of the University of Salahaddin and the dean of the College of Islamic Sciences.
Lecture for the subject.
Between Islamic law and general international law.
Project Manager
Since June 2014, I have been working for Nish Research Company. I started the work firstly as a coordinator and then as a project manager. During these years I was the responsible person for the company projects in Iraq. The company research projects are examining a variety of aspects of the Iraqi market and Society, especially food, drinks, and the daily personal needs. As a project Manager my main responsibilities and duties include the followings:
- Training the staff and managing in depth and Focus groups
- Planning what work needs to be done, when and who's going to do it
- Managing the risks that can be involved in a particular project.
- Encouraging the team of people who are involved in a project.
- Managing the coordination in a project that will be done by different people.
- Making sure the project is running on time with a limited budget
- Dealing with changes to the project when the changes are necessary
- Analyzing the collected data and examine the works done by researchers.
- Checking the quality and accuracy of the research findings and making sure the work is done to the right standard.
- Writing reports about the outcomes of the projects to the Company’s Director.
2. A Freelance Translator and Reporter
From November 2013 to December 2014 I was a freelance Translator and Reporter in Shikar Research Company. My duty was to translate Documents from English into Kurdish and Arabic and vice versa. Moreover I was responsible for translating the interviews, in depth and Focus groups at the Company. Furthermore, it was also my responsibility to analyze the collected data and examine the works done by researchers. I was also in charge in writing reports to the supervisor of the projects about the quality and accuracy of the research findings.
3. Supervisor and Teacher of English and Arabic Summer Courses
From June 6th2015 to August 28th 2015, and during 10 weeks period I supervised and taught two English summer courses and supervised an Arabic summer course in Twana Centre for Languages.
4. Supervisor and Teacher of an English Summer Course
From June 2014 to August 2014, I worked in TAN Centre for Languages as an English teacher and supervisor. It was a 10 weeks English Language summer course. I was supervising and teaching English Language to adults in TAN Centre for Languages.
5. English Teacher and IELTS Trainer:
From 21 Feb 2017 to 9 May 2017, I supervised and taught two English Courses (a General English Course and an IELTS training Course) at Salahaddin University/ College of Islamic Sciences.
It is worth mentioning that due to the success of my study and career I have been awarded:
1. A scholarship by KRG to study MA and P H D in the Malaysia under HCDP program sponsored by Kurdistan Regional Government.
Conference .
1- Conference of the new law for the company in kullm pur Malaysia .
2- Conference of the Quran in kullm pur Malaysia .
3- Conference of the humanity and how you will do tech for the humanity in kullm pur Malaysia .
Books and Research I do.
2- Books . detailed analysis of the rights and duties of political asylum seekers between the SharÊÑah and the International Law.
3- Research
4- protection of refugees in Islamic law and public international law comparison between a modern Islamic state and beyond study، mukaddimah.
نوع النشر العدد
بحوثات في مجلات دولية محكمة وموثقة . ثمانية عشر بحوثاً
ألفت أكثر من عشرة بحوث ونشرت في المجلات العالمية في موضوع اللجوء وغيرها.
1_ كتاب مطبوع بعنوان: تعـذيب المتهم في الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الدولـي العام: دراسة حالة العراق أنموذجاً. في وزارة ثقافة والشباب باربيل.
2_ نشرت بحث في مجلة جامعة البنانية الفرنسي باربيل باسم( مجلة قه لاي زانست العلمية) مجلة دولية محكمة، في الشريعة والقانون باسم (حكم الأخذ بظروف المدعى عليه عند المعاقبة في الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون العراقي).
3_ نشرت بحث في مجلة جامعة البنانية الفرنسي باربيل باسم( مجلة قه لاي زانست العلمية) مجلة دولية محكمة، في الشريعة والقانون باسم (حق السكنى للمرأة المطلقة في الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون العراقي).
4_ نشرت بحث في مجلة جامعة البنانية الفرنسي باربيل باسم( مجلة قه لاي زانست العلمية) مجلة دولية محكمة، في الشريعة والقانون باسم (إسقاط السكنى للمرأة المطلقة في الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون العراقي).
5_ نشرت بحث في مجلة جامعة البنانية الفرنسي باربيل باسم( مجلة قه لاي زانست العلمية) مجلة دولية محكمة، في الشريعة والقانون باسم (حكم نساب السرقة في الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الجنائي).
6_ نشرت بحث في مجلة جامعة التقنية باربيل مجلة دولية محكمة، في الشريعة الإسلامية باسم (الأحكام الفقهية المتعلقة بالأبكم في النكاح والطلاق في الفقه الإسلامي).
7_ نشرت بحث في المجلة العالمية باسم (جهار) مجلة دولية محكمة، في الشريعة والقانون باسم )واجبات اللاجئين بين القانون الدولي العام والشريعة الإسلامية(،.
8_ ونشرت بحث في المجلة العالمية باسم (جهار) مجلة دولية محكمة، في الشريعة والقانون أولهما باسم )عقد الأمان بين القانون الدولي العام والشريعة الإسلامية).
9_ ونشرت بحث في المجلة العالمية باسم ، (الدراسات الإسلامية والفكر للأبحاث التخصصية)، مجلة دولية محكمة ، وموضوع البحث هو (حقوق اللاجئين في القانون الدولي العام) .
10_ نشرت بحث في المجلة العالمية باسم ( مَجَلّة أصول الشريعة للأبحاث التخصصية)، مجلة دولية محكمة وموضوع البحث هو )حقوق اللاجئين في الشريعة الإسلامية) .
11_ نشرت بحثين في المجلة العالمية باسم ،( التمدن) في جامعة ملايا قسم التاريخ والحضارة في جامعة مالايا ( أنواع للجوء في الشريعة الإسلامية والتعامل معها أثناء الحكم الإسلامي) .
12_ نشرت بحث في المجلة العالمية باسم (mukaddimah) (protection of refugees in Islamic law and public international law comparison between a modern Islamic state and beyond study، في الشريعة والقانون في قسم التاريخ والحضارة بجامعة مالايا ماليزيا.
13_ نشرت بحث في المجلة العالمية باسم ( مَجَلّة أصول الشريعة للأبحاث التخصصية)، مجلة دولية محكمة وموضوع البحث هو (أنواع اللجوء في القانون الدولي العام والشريعة الإسلامية).
14_ نشرت بحث في المجلة العالمية باسم، (الدراسات الإسلامية والفكر للأبحاث التخصصية)، مجلة دولية محكمة وموضوع البحث هو( أحكام شرعية تتعلق باللاجئين في القانون الدولي العام والشريعة الإسلامية).
15- نشرت بحث في المجلة العالمية باسم ، (الدراسات الإسلامية والفكر للأبحاث التخصصية)، مجلة دولية محكمة وموضوع البحث هو( عقوب السرقة في الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الجنائي العراقي).
16_ نشرت بحث في المجلة العالمية باسم ( مَجَلّة أصول الشريعة للأبحاث التخصصية)، مجلة دولية محكمة وموضوع البحث هو (حكم الإعدام في الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الدولي العام).
17_نشرت بحث في المجلة العالمية باسم ( مَجَلّة المقدمة في جامعة ملايا بماليزيا كولالمبور)، مجلة دولية محكمة وموضوع البحث هو (حماية اللاجئين في الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الدولي العام).
18_ نشرت بحث في مجلة جامعة البنانية الفرنسي باربيل باسم( مجلة قه لاي زانست العلمية) مجلة دولية محكمة، في الشريعة والقانون باسم (أحكام الحوالة في الفقه الإسلامي والقانون العراقي. دراسة مقارنة).
19_ نشرت بحث في مجلة جامعة التقنية باربيل باسم( مجلة جامعة التقنية العلمية) مجلة دولية محكمة، في الشريعة الإسلامية (الإحكام الفقهية المتعلقة بالابكم في النكاح والطلاق. دراسة مقارنة).
Contact details:
Mobile No: 00964(0)750 4511896
- Personal Email: [email protected]
- Or :[email protected]