
I am Hallo Mahmud Kaka Abdulluh , assistant lecturer of physics at university of Salshaddin, college of science department of physics.

 I am graduated from college of Science, university of Salahaddin since 2009-2010, then after I awarded Msc. Degree with the title of thesis “Assessment of Radioactivity levels in Soils, Fertilizers, Vegetables and crops of some Farms in Kurdistan Region-Iraq ” from Physics Department College of Science, University of Salahaddin since  2014- 2016 and then  pointed  as an assistant lecturer at university of Salahaddin .

I was awarded a PhD from Salahaddin University – Iraq since "2020-2023" for work in Nuclear Physics, theoretical Nuclear Physics  "Theoretical Systematics and Excitation Functions of (n, p) and (n, α) Reaction Cross Sections up to 20 MeV Neutrons".

During my academic life I have tough, the following subjects for undergraduate students Electronics Lab of the third year Physics department, Nuclear physics, for the fourth and three year of physics students.

I am participated in many international and local conferences and I published many scientific articles. I current research interests include Nuclear radiation , Medial Physics.  

I was member of:

1)    Kurdistan Teachers Union since 2010.

2)    Kurdistan Physicists' Syndicate since 2009.