
  I am Nabeel Mohsen Naser , assistant professor of physics at university of Salshaddin , college of education department of physics .  اسمي دكتور  نبيل محسن ناصر ادرس في الكلية التربية قسم فيزياء جامعة صلاح الدين/ اربيل

Work address:  College of Education                                                                 Office address:

Physics Department                                                                                             Zanco New- 286D

SalahaddinUniversity –Erbil                                                                               Erbil-Iraq

Mobile: 009647507320386


E-mail: dr _nabiel


Birth: 1958, dialla, Iraq

Academic Qualifications: 

1-B. Sc. (1980-1981) in Physics -Department of Physics, College of Education, University of Baghdad -Iraq.

2- M. Sc. (1986-1988) -Department of electronics, College of Physics, Odessa University - Russia.

3- PhD (1988-1991), in Solid State Physics,   Department of electronics /University of Odessa – Russia.


Teaching and advising:

1-Physics of Electricity and Magnetism (Undergraduate) Department of Physics College of Education, University of Almustanceria Baghdad-Iraq.

2-Semiconductor , (Undergraduate) Department of Physics College of Education, University of  Almustanceria, Baghdad-Iraq

3- General Physics, (Undergraduate) Mathematic Department College of Education, University of Salahaddin Erbil-Iraq.

4- Sound and Wave Motion,( Undergraduate) Department of Physics, College of Education, University of Salahaddin Erbil-Iraq.


5- Electronics , ( Undergraduate) Department of Physics, College of Education, University of Salahaddin Erbil-Iraq.

6- Semiconductor Physics (MSc. Student) Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Salahaddin Erbil-Iraq.


(i) Papers:

1- The influence of the Gadolinium concentrations on the characteristics of silicon solar cell.

Nabeel  M., Ayoub S. J.of Douk univsity, No-1,v-6, (19-21),2003.

2- The effect  of chemical treatment on characteristics of silicon solar cells,

Nabeel  M, J.of Colleg of Education,Univ. of Almustanceria,  No-3, (109-116),2005.

3- Mechanical properties of silicon crystal growth by EFG  method,

Nabeel  M, J.of Colleg of Education,Univ. of Almustanceria,  No-3, (438-442),2008.

4- The effect of chemical treatment on some silicon characteristics,

Nabeel  M, J.of Colleg of Education,Univ. of Almustanceria, No-3,(362-372), 2008.

5- The temperature dependence of Energy Gap of Sn and ZnIn doped Cu Ge2 P3 Semiconductor  compound. Nabeel  M, Ayoub S, .of Colleg of Education,Univ. of Almustanceria, No-3,( 1014-1027),2009.

6- Theoretical study of some parameters for Photovoltaic modules using MATLAB model ,

  Nabeel  M, A.A. AZIZ BARZINJY , H.J. ISMAIL Baghdad, Proceeding of 17th conf.of the college of Education, Almustanceria Unv. V-2, (668-684),2010.

7- Theoretical investigation of traps effect on solar cell characteristics,

  Nabeel  M, A.A. AZIZ BARZINJY , H.J. ISMAIL ,Arcetri-Firenze : La Fondazione,No-5,( 715-726),2011.

8- Effect of the Direct Current Modulation on the Relaxation Oscillation and Turn-on Delay for a QWL In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs,  Nabeel  M, Saman Q. Mawlud, Mazin S. Othman, J.of Colleg of Education,Univ. of Almustanceria, No-6, (478-488),2011.

9- Electronic structure and Some optical properties of GaAs1−xSbx , Nabeel  M, Mazin S. Othman, Saman Q. Mawlud, J.of Colleg of Education,Univ. of A lmustanceria, No-5, (401-412).2012.

10- Theoretical investigation Of strip cavity length effect on threshold current for MQWL In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs,,  Nabeel  M, Saman Q. Mawlud, Mazin S. Othman, Proceeding of 19th conf.of the college of  Education, Univ. of A lmustanceria, .V-4. (80-92),2012.

11- Theoretical Study of Influence Of Some Material Parameters On Solar Cell Efficiency, Nabeel  M, Haidar J.    Ismail, Saman Q. Mawlud, Journal of, University of Zakho,A-Scince,V -1,No-2, (903-909), 2013.

12- The influence of Sheet Resistance and Textured Surface on the Characteristics of Silicon Solar cells using PC1D  Simulation Program. Nabeel  M, Solid State Science and Technology Vol. 22, No 1 & 2, ( 40- 48),2014.

13- Simulation of the Effect  of Surface Recombination on the Efficiency of Silicon Solar Cells Using Matlab Program, Nabeel   M. ,  Bestoon  T.  Mustafa, ICEEE 2015 CONFERENCE, 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT, and ENERGY “Green Approaches to Ecology, Environment and Energy” 12-13 APRIL 2015 Jointly Organized by:Ishik and Salahaddin University,( 248-253), ,Erbil, Iraq.














(ii) Talks:



(iii) Posters: