Student Supervision

# Research Title Degree Attachements
Identification of superior parents combination for yield , yield component and seed quality using line x tester methods in maize
field crop
Master of Science
Effect of different levels of Nano- Conventional NPK and plant density on growth, yield and seed quality of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Field crops
Doctor of Philosophy
Effects of Different Priming Treatments and sowing date on Seed Germination Properties and Seed Yield of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.)
field crops
Bachelor Degree(Research Project)
استجابة هجن من الذرة الصفراء (Zea mays L.) لنظم الزراعة تحت كثافات نباتية مختلفة
field crops
Master of Science
Genetic analysis and technological aspects of gluten protein composition of bread wheat cultivars and its relationship with contrasting environment
field crops
Doctor of Philosophy
Quantity and Distribution of Hydrocyanide acid at different Cutting periods for Sorghum genotypes
field crops
Doctor of Philosophy