
Personal Details

Date and place of birth: 1962, Erbil, Iraq.

Marital status: Married.

Work address: Iraq, Erbil, Salahaddin University, College of Languages, Department of English Language and Literature.

Home address: Erbil, Iraq.

gmail: [email protected]

Academic Qualifications

Ph.D. in English literature. December 2003 - September 2007, College of Languages, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq.

MA in English literature. September 1987 – November 1989, College of Arts, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq.

BA in English Language and Literature. September 1980 – July 1984, College of Arts, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq.

High- school: 

Baccalaureate. September 1979 - June 1980, Al- Ma'aly high- school, Baghdad, Iraq.

                        September 1978 – June 1979, Al- Farooq high- school, Baghdad, Iraq.

                        September 1975 -  June 1978, Al- Akeedah high- school, Baghdad, Iraq.